I wanted to let everybody know how I got a free of charge PS3 (and Rock Band!) in order to help screw Best Buy since they ticked me off.
Here's what happened: My brother and I went to best buy looking to get some electronics - a whole boatload of them. My brother makes first-rate money so he was set on getting a nice entertainment system with surround sound, a gaming system, a bunch of games, basically everything to make a terrific home theater system.
Well, he decided to get a PS3 along with his other items - and so we headed for someone to check us out. The guy we found was one of those pompus asshole types that didn't want to be at work and didn't give a crap about the customer. He gave us a bad attitude the whole time we were with him, but finally got my brother the receipt. We walked out the exit with the cart full of equipment when my brother looked the receipt - the guy billed us for "extended warranties" on everything (as you know they always try to do this) even though we didn't want them. Well we had so much stuff that the cost for the warranties alone was over $1000.
So we went back in to have a discussion to the guy and get him to reverse the charges. Well, he said that since we walked out of the store we accepted the "contract" on the back of the receipt and he wouldn't do anything to repair the problem. Well, we got shitty at this point. We made him call a supervisor which it turns out that he WAS the manager - great. So we argue and argue for 20 minutes, and he finally calls "corporate". Well, he started telling them this line of B.S. And my brother grabbed the phone, while I stood among him and the manager. My brother explained the hassle we got as well as the truth that the manager refused to reverse charges that we never wanted in the first place.
Here's the kicker - "corporate" didn't want this A-hole supervisor to ruin their image. They refunded the charges. But that's not all - They gave my brother a link and told him to fill out the information and he would receive a FREE PS3. Not only that, but the guy also said that he would get a FREE copy of Rock Band 2 for his troubles.
Well that was great and all, but they were still a bunch of dicks to us. Hence, the blog you are now reading. So fill out form and get your own FREE PS3 and copy of Rock Band 2.